Thigh & Hip Liposuction

Consultations offered at our two convenient locations in San Diego and Carlsbad

Tight and Hip Liposuction Does the size or jiggle of your thighs make you feel self-conscious?

The cutting-edge liposuction methods offered at Clinique Sculpture will smooth, sculpt, and tighten your thighs and hips. Our liposuction patients can enjoy optimum, beautifying results with minimal downtime!

Dr. William Seare has over 30 years’ of experience sculpting men and women’s bodies into their preferred slim, flattering contours. If you are unhappy with the shape, size, or feel of your lower body, reach out to Dr. Seare. His minimally-invasive surgical techniques enable him to refine each procedure to the specific goals and needs of every case.

Contact us to learn more about how we deliver our patients’ ideal hip and thigh contours with liposuction.

About Thigh & Hip Liposuction

The thighs and hips play a major role in patient’s silhouette and overall body contour. Both men and women can develop frustrating stores of fat in this area of the body that frequently refuses to respond to diet and exercise. Liposuction is an excellent way to address this stubborn fat once and for all!

Liposuction is an FDA-approved fat elimination procedure. The surgery is minimally invasive and is performed using only a few incisions, a slim cannula, and tumescent fluid.

Dr. Seare’s liposuction surgeries are highly customized to guarantee he achieves the proper amount of fat elimination required to deliver each patient’s preferred contours. If you are tired of hiding your hips, want sleeker, slimmer thighs, or want to achieve today’s highly sought-after thigh gap, liposuction will accomplish your results and allow you to get back to work within a few days!

Curious about hip and thigh liposuction? Dr. Seare will be happy to answer all your questions during a private consultation at Clinique Sculpture.

Before & After Photos

Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction is an increasingly popular way for both men and women to address the fat on their hips and thighs. Benefits of thigh and hip liposuction with Dr. Seare’s advanced techniques include:

  • Eliminate fat that refuses to respond to diet and exercise
  • Achieve impressive body contouring results
  • Achieve a moderate degree of skin tightening
  • Customize the procedure to achieve the look you want
  • Shorter recovery
  • Safe, comfortable procedure
  • Results last for the long-term!

Liposuction Methods

Dr. Seare has over 30 years’ experience providing world-class results with liposuction and body contouring. He has spent time perfecting the most advanced liposuction techniques, including MicroLipo, VASER liposuction, SmartLipo.

Dr. Seare himself is a pioneer who has expanded the capabilities of the MicroLipo procedure. His patented MicroLipo cannula design achieves ideal sculpting outcomes while exerting minimal strain on the body.

Each liposuction method offers its own features and benefits that help Dr. Seare accomplish the look his patient is searching for. Liposuction methods Dr. Seare performs include:

Tumescent Liposuction

Tumescent Liposuction, which has become synonymous with just liposuction incorporates tumescent fluid to assist in fat breakdown and improve patient comfort during the procedure. Tumescent fluid is a custom solution of saline, epinephrine, and lidocaine. This fluid will be injected into the treatment area and given time to take effect before any incisions are made. Lidocaine in the tumescent fluid will act as a local anesthetic. The fat cells will swell during this time, making them easier to dislodge from the body. Once the tumescent fluid has taken effect, tiny, strategically-placed incisions will be made. A slim cannula will be used to gently break down and extract unwanted fat from the hips and thighs.

Tumescent fluid has the added benefit of constricting blood vessels, thereby reducing post-procedure bruising and swelling.

Awake Anesthesia

Qualifying patients have the option of receiving thigh and hip liposuction under Awake Anesthesia. Awake Anesthesia keeps patients completely comfortable during their liposuction with local anesthesia and sedation. This comfort option is free of the risks associated with general anesthesia and reduces the cost of the treatment, while keeping patients safe and pain-free. Dr. Seare will be happy to answer any questions patients have about Awake Anesthesia during their private consultation.

Tumescent fluid is an integral part in most other liposuction surgical methods.


MicroLipo is a liposuction method designed to target and remove lipodystrophy fat, or the exercise-resistant fat that can be fibrous and difficult to remove. Dr. Seare designed an improved version of the MicroLiposuction cannula that enables him to remove fat more gently, evenly, and comprehensively than ever before!

His MicroLipo patented cannula has a rotating spatula tip to guarantee even the smallest, most stubborn fat deposit doesn’t stand a chance.

Dr. Seare uses MicroLipo to perform “Around-the-World” liposuction and reduce up to 90% of fat from the circumference of the thighs. This method even enables him to achieve 25 to 35% skin tightening! While laser or ultrasound technologies are excellent ways to improve fat elimination and achieve skin tightening, Dr. Seare’s Around-the-World liposuction is a highly effective, minimally invasive procedure. This liposuction method gets rid of fat and tightens skin, without the need to expose tissues to laser or ultrasound energy.

Around-the-World liposuction is also highly recommended for the arms or torso.

VASER Liposuction

VASER stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance.

VASER liposuction applies targeted ultrasound waves to break down fat more effectively and gently. In order to perform VASER liposuction, Dr. Seare uses a VASER cannula. The cannula will emit ultrasound energy that agitates bubbles in the tumescent fluid.

Stubborn fat deposits in the area will be easier to break away and suction from the body. The ultrasound energy will also tighten surrounding tissues, resulting in smoother, slimmer contours.

VASER additionally enables Dr. Seare to perform Hi-Def Lipo. Hi-Def Lipo will refine the appearance of the muscles themselves to improve tone and shape. Fat transfer can be incorporated to achieve the preferred contour of the hip and thigh.


SmartLipo is laser-assisted liposuction. SmartLipo is performed using a slim cannula that contains a tiny laser microfiber. Dr. Seare will use the laser energy to melt fat before it is gently extracted from the body. The thermal energy has the added benefit of tightening the skin of the treated area. SmartLipo is a highly effective way to slim and sculpt the thighs and hips to your preferred look.

Candidates for Thigh & Hip Lipo

Have you struggled to achieve smoother, more toned or curvaceous hips? Are you dreaming of a thigh gap? If the answer is yes, you are an excellent candidate for thigh and hip liposuction!

Ideal candidates for thigh and hip liposuction:

  • Would like to change the shape or size of their thighs
  • Are frustrated by visible jiggle or dimples
  • Have healthy skin laxity
  • Have not been able to achieve the look they want with diet and exercise
  • Are in overall good health
  • Are at a stable weight
  • Are non-smokers
  • Have realistic expectations for the outcomes possible with thigh liposuction

Liposuction is not intended as an alternative to healthy weight loss methods. It is a final body contouring step to address fat that does not respond to diet or exercise. We advise patients to complete the majority of their intended weight loss before undergoing liposuction.

If you have loose, sagging skin on your hips or thighs, you will see your ideal tight, slim contours with a combination of lower body lift and liposuction. No matter the goals you would like to achieve, Dr. Seare is here to help you find the right body contouring solution for you! He will take the time to get to know you and recommend a treatment option that is most appropriate for you during a private consultation at Clinique Sculpture.


Have questions about thigh and hip liposuction? Dr. Seare will be happy to answer them for you during a one-on-one consultation.

It is important to Dr. Seare and his team that you feel 100% comfortable before making any decisions about your appearance.

During your private consultation, Dr. Seare will examine the fat and skin laxity on your hips and thighs. He will also go over your medical history and medication use with you to determine if liposuction is an appropriate option for you. Once he has a clear sense of your goals and the needs of your case, he will work with you to create your ideal body contouring treatment plan.

Your Customized Procedure

customized procedure

The steps of your liposuction procedure will depend on the treatment plan you create with Dr. Seare. Patients have the option of receiving thigh and hip liposuction under general or local anesthesia. The length of surgery will range from 2 to 4 hours. Liposuction is performed as an outpatient procedure. Once your surgery is complete, you will be released to return home to begin your recovery.

Patients have the option of slimming and sculpting their thighs with traditional liposuction, VASER liposuction, MicroLipo, or SmartLipo. Dr. Seare will discuss these surgical options thoroughly with you to help you find the body contouring solution that will be right for you and your case.

Once your fat has been removed and the desired look has been achieved, your tiny incisions will be closed. You may receive a compression garment to wear following your liposuction.


Patients will receive personalized instructions to help them prepare for their surgery and recovery. These instructions will cover approved methods of reducing post-procedure discomfort, as well as controlling any bruising, swelling, or redness.

If you have any questions regarding your recovery from hip and thigh liposuction, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Most patients are able to get back to work within a few days of their liposuction surgery. Patients will return for follow-up appointments throughout their recovery from hip and thigh liposuction. Dr. Seare will give patients a timeline for when they can return to more strenuous exercise.



You will notice that your hips and thighs are slimmer immediately after your liposuction procedure. You will begin to see the results of your surgery emerge as post-procedure swelling subsides. Your slimmer, improved contours will begin to appear within three weeks and will become much more apparent by the eight-week mark. Your thighs and hips will be slim, smooth, and make a complete transformation of your figure!

Results of thigh and hip liposuction can improve for up to six months following the treatment.

Look and feel great, thanks to thigh and hip liposuction at Clinique Sculpture! Contact us to schedule an informative consultation today. 


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